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Free Brushes

Friday, 28 September 2018

-: Supplies Needed :-

Kit by creative scraps by Crys  you can purchase it HERE

Two tubes of choice. I am using the work by Pin Up Toons. Find out more at

C/P + Copy and paste
Resize (click image - resize)
Add D/S = Add drop shadow

Lets get started

Open a new transparent image 800 X 800 pixels
(don't worry you can resize at the end if you want)
Open GH_Element_34
C/P into your image
Position to the top left of your image
Duplicate, Mirror, Flip
Merge down

Open GH_Element_56
C/P as a new layer
Image - mirror
Add a new transparent layer

Open GH_Frame2
C/P as a new layer
Using your magic wand click inside the frame
Selections - modify - expand - 7 pixels
Select the transparent layer you made a moment ago.

Open GH_Paper_3
C/P into selection
Select none
Open GH_Element_18 C/P as a new layer
Any parts of the web protruding past the frame remove using your eraser tool
Change the Blend Mode to Luminance (or one you like)
Select the frame layer
Add a d/s

Open GH_Element_54
C/P as a new layer
Open GH_Element_14
C/P as a new layer
Position to the left of your frame
Add a d/s

Open your first tube
C/P as a new layer
Resize if needed
Position to the left of your frame, just over the tree.
Add a d/s

Open GH_Element_23
C/P as a new layer
Resize 40%
Position to the left 
Add a d/s

Open your 2nd tube.
C/P as a new layer
Resize if needed
Position to the right of your frame
Add a d/s


Open GH_Element_5
C/P as a new layer
Resize 30%
Position to the right of your tube (so it hangs off the tube somewhere.
Duplicate - mirror
Position to the left so it hangs from the tree.
Add a d/s to both

Open GH_Element_15
C/P as a new layer
Resize 30%
Position to the left (see mine for reference)
Add a d/s

Open GH_Element_21
C/P as a new layer
Resize 20%
Position to the right of the pumpkin
Add a d/s

Open GH_Element_1
C/P as a new layer
Resize 60%
Position to the right 
Add a d/s

Open GH_Element_10
C/P as a new layer
Resize 40%
Position so it looks as though it is hanging from between the tree and the cauldron
Add a d/s

Open GH_Element_43
C/P as a new layer
Resize 40%
Position to the left of the cauldron
Add a d/s

Open GH_Element_11
C/P as a new layer
Position to the bottom of your image

Resize now if you wish
(always resize before you add your copyrights)
Add copyright
Add your name
Save as png

Tutorial written on 28/09/2018 by Emma
Please do not rip or claim as your own.

If you wish to show me your results please email me here


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Please leave a comment after the tone.......beeeeep lol